How to Draw a House & Tree Landscape drawing with watercolor in 8 easy steps

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Here is a time-lapse video on how to draw a house and tree landscape with watercolor

Watercolor art is fun. With water color landscape drawing becomes easy and enjoyable.

Creating a house and tree landscape drawing with watercolors can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Materials you’ll need:

  1. Watercolor paper (140lb or heavier is recommended)
  2. Watercolor paints (a basic set will do)
  3. Watercolor brushes (small, medium, and large round brushes)
  4. Water container
  5. Paper towel or rag
  6. Pencil
  7. Eraser

Step 1: Sketch the composition

Using a pencil, lightly sketch the outline of a house and a tree on your watercolor paper. Place the house slightly off-center, leaving enough room for the tree on one side.

Step 2: Paint the sky

Wet the area of the sky with clean water using a large brush. Then, use light blue or a mix of blue and a touch of yellow to paint the sky. Blend the colors gently to create a smooth gradient from the top to the bottom of the paper.

Step 3: Paint the grass

Wet the area below the house and tree with clean water. Use a mix of green (yellow and blue) to paint the grass, starting from the bottom and moving upwards towards the house. Let the colors blend naturally.

Step 4: Paint the tree

Using a medium-sized brush, paint the tree’s trunk and branches with brown or a dark color. Then, switch to a smaller brush and use various shades of green to add the foliage. Apply the paint in a dabbing or stippling motion to create a textured look.

Step 5: Add details to the house

Paint the house with watercolors, using colors of your choice. You can use lighter colors for the walls and darker colors for the roof and windows. Don’t forget to add a door and any other architectural details you’d like.

Step 6: Paint the shadows

Add some shadows to the house and tree to give your drawing depth and dimension. Use a slightly darker shade of the colors you used for the house and tree, and apply them where the shadows would naturally fall.

Step 7: Enhance the details

Now it’s time to bring out the details. Use a fine-tipped brush to add small accents and highlights to the house and tree. You can also add some birds in the sky or flowers in the grass to make the scene more lively.

Step 8: Let it dry and frame it

Allow your painting to dry completely before framing it or displaying it. Once dry, you can erase any visible pencil lines to clean up the artwork.

Remember, watercolor painting is all about experimentation and embracing imperfections. Don’t be afraid to try new techniques and have fun with the process. Happy painting!